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Rita Redswood

A Little Bit about my Books
Each one of my novels, mostly, centers around romance; however, some of them extend out from that to include fantasy and horror. I find that writing with a mix of genres allows me greater flexibility and creativity when crafting the worlds within the books, and I think that this gives my readers a wider range of options for them to choose from. If they don't like fantasy romance, they can choose simply romance or horror romance.
All of this, though, started with the book to the left, "A Dimensional Tune." And, my other books wouldn't have existed without it due to the incredible support and feedback I received on my first novel. This support and feedback came from Quotev and Wattpad, which is where I post my works first as reader inserts. A reader insert is, essentially, a story where the reader is the protagonist. Once I complete my works on Quotev and Wattpad, I edit them to where the protagonist has a name and features, but the rest of the story remains mostly the same, except for a few editing details and story scenes. These versions are available to purchase on Amazon.
With that being said, I hope that all of you enjoy reading my books on Quotev, Wattpad or Amazon.
I also hope that you enjoy viewing my author site. As you go to each page, the artwork for the backgrounds is from the comic adaptations of Infectious Intent and A Dimensional Tune. My illustrator for Infectious Intent is Myrrhamir. My illustrator for A Dimensional Tune is Farawayowl.
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